Dallas Family Law Firm
Consultations Are Always Free 469.331.0783
Never, Never Give Up Widner Family Law Group Will Get You The Justice You Deserve

We leverage our 20+ years of experience and our multi-million dollar jury experience to get a fair result.

Spousal Support Attorney in Dallas

Let Our Firm Help You Give Your Children the Best

Following a divorce, it is important that you are able to make a smooth transition back into your own life. Many times, couples share a single source of income, and having that taken away can cause serious problems. At Widner Family Law Group, we aim to provide our clients with superior legal representation they need to obtain funds for this transition. We earn our clients' respect through our hard work, dedication, and commitment to never presenting them with surprise bills or fees. We don't work on a retainer and we won't charge for phone calls or paralegal work. With over 25 years of experience, we know how to get our clients the outcome they deserve.

Get the support you need. Let us provide you with the support you need to thrive. Give us a call at (469) 331-0783 today to get the process started.

Spousal Support

If you're going through a divorce, spousal support — also known as alimony — is one of the most important things you'll need to decide upon with your spouse. While talking about finances can be uncomfortable, it is imperative that you reach a settlement that is fair for both parties. If an agreement cannot be reached by the married couple, the court may need to get involved. If you suspect your marital situation may become volatile, contact a family law attorney as possible. You will need someone who can fight for your best interest.

At Widner Family Law Group, we help our clients get the spousal support they deserve so they can:

  • Avoid having the unemployed partner be left at a financial disadvantage due to the ending of the marriage
  • Help to sustain stay-at-home wives or husbands
  • Make a case for need factors such as the length of the marriage, employment status, current income, education, health, and age of both spouses

If you were unemployed for a significant amount of time during your marriage, or if your spouse makes considerably more money that you do, you can request spousal support in your divorce. If you were ordered to pay spousal support but your circumstances have changed, we can help with that, too. Talk to us about your situation and we'll do our best to fight for your best interest.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Our family law firm in Dallas has guided countless spouses in their quest for adequate spousal support. Dial (469) 331-0783 now or contact us online.

A Different Family Law Firm

  • Flat Fixed Monthly Fees
  • An Advocate For You & Your Family
  • Diverse Background That Benefits Your Case

“Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.”

- Winston Churchill
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